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Submission of “Thesis Proposal for Master’s Degree”_Due to 28th June
  • Writer Admin
  • Created 2024.05.23
  • Hits 732

Submission of “Thesis Proposal for Master’s Degree”


Student to submit: M.S. students enrolled in Fall 2023, or M.S. students who are past 10 months of entry but have not submitted their Thesis Proposal.


It is mandatory for 1st year M.S. students who entered in Spring 2022 to prepare and submit their thesis proposal for Master’s degree

within 10 months of entry. (Academic Degree Conferment Policy Article 4, Section 1)


  1. Portal - Academic System- Graduation System- Thesis Managemet - "졸업학위논문정보 등록" resistration of  all the basic information of  your thesis. 
  2. Print out and  get the supervisor professor's signature
  3. Submit your thesis proposal to the BCS Administration office.(located : E4 #C307)

[Remarks]  Integrated Ph.D Degree students are not relevant.



BCS Administration office.